Mess Facilities

Mess Facilities

 Mess Facility

Meals are provided to students in the dining hall which caters to 200 students at a time. Nutritious vegetarian food is prepared in the most hygienic conditions keeping in mind the health and diet of the child.


Mess Delight

“Healthy mind lives in healthy body.” We are proud to be in the pink of our health at IGA as the food served in our mess in nutritious, hygienic and well appreciated by the students, teachers and visitors alike. The school runs a modern mechanized kitchen which maintains the highest standards of health & hygiene. Discipline & decorum rule the dining hour & students begin their main course of the day with a prayer. The teachers dine with the students to inculcate table manners among them. Well experienced, supportive and caring staff of the kitchen lays out tasty spreads of breakfast, lunch, refreshmentsand dinner that keeps students and teachers on the go always.